How does it work?
- Each Countries listed in Article 3, with more than 10 full members will be represented by one National Delegate. The National Delegate should be a full member.
- In countries where a national society for shoulder and elbow surgery does exist, it is whished that the President, or Past President or General Secretary (according to their own bylaws) will be the chosen representative.
- When there is no national society for shoulder and elbow surgery, the National Delegate will be appointed by the Executive Committee.
- The term of the National Delegates is three (3) years and they can be re-elected / re-appointed for up to two (2) successive terms. The Executive Committee will endeavour to ensure that each country which fulfils the criteria listed above will be represented.
- The Board of Directors consists of the founding members, the Executive Committee members who are ex officio members of the Board and the National Delegates.